Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Dear Enchanted Rose

Well, as luck would have it, my dear Enchanted Rose seems to be having her magic quickly draining.  We must get her to the Magic Kingdom soon to get her recharged before all the magic drains out.

I had to rush her to the wizards who take care of magical creatures and things to try and quell the massive drainage, but she has lost a lot of her majestic petals.

It caused quite a scare and made me a lot more grumpy than normal.  But it appears that we will still be able to get to MouseFest and recharge the depleted magic that we live off of when we are not at the parks.

But in all seriousness, my lovely wife has seemed to have caught the stomach bug that is going around.  Her general practitioner told her that she needed to go the Emergency Room and get some fluids pumped into her.

Fortunately, we went to the ER she works as a Registered Nurse so we got some more expedited treatment (there must be some perks for working in an ER).  They pumped her full of fluids and medicine and sent her home.  They also sent her home with some prescriptions for pain and nausea.

My wife told everyone who would listen that they better get her better because she's going to Disney if it kills her.

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Unknown said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I hope you and Enchanted Rose have a grumptastic trip.

Unknown said...


Thanks for the well wishes. Also, thank you for being the first person besides my loyal friend George to use Grumptastic properly in a blog post or comment.

That truly is Disney Geek Love in my book!

Ryan P. Wilson said...

No one should be sick while visiting the World! I hope the Magic helps her along and that you both have a safe and exciting trip! Wish I could be there!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully she feels better before you leave. You never want to get sick before a trip....

Greg said...

I hope all is well and that you both have a wonderful time at MouseFest!

Maw and Paw said...


I am glad to hear she is feeling better. Take care of her, and have a good time at Disney.